Drug Development

Omnio has developed a system to produce and purify full-length recombinant plasminogen in a scalable and cost-effective way. Our recombinant plasminogen has been tested in vivo and benchmarked against plasma derived plasminogen and was shown to have equivalent activity and function in vivo.

Recombinant plasminogen as a new wound healing therapeutic

Omnio has shown in preclinical models that plasminogen, in addition to its traditional role of digesting blood clots, plays an essential role in regulating wound healing.

Plasminogen has been shown to accelerate the wound healing process by:

  • Promoting the formation of new blood vessels, accelerating the migration and proliferation of cells involved in tissue repair1, 2,3.
  • Regulating the immune response, reducing inflammation at the wound site which is critical for the proper healing of wounds3,4.
  • Enhancing the remodeling phase, leading to high quality healing4,5


1. Romer J, Bugge TH, Pyke C, Lund LR, Flick MJ, Degen JL, Dano K. Impaired wound healing in mice with a disrupted plasminogen gene. Nat Med. 1996 Mar;2(3):287-92.
2. Ismail AA, Shaker BT, Bajou K. The Plasminogen-Activator Plasmin System in Physiological and Pathophysiological Angiogenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 29;23(1):337
3. Sulniute R et al. Plasminogen is a critical regulator of cutaneous wound healing. Thromb Haemost. 2016 May 2;115(5):1001-9.
4. Shen Y et al. Plasminogen is a key proinflammatory regulator that accelerates the healing of acute and diabetic wounds. Blood. 2012 Jun 14;119(24):5879-87.
5. Baricos, W.H., S.L. Cortez, S.S. el-Dahr, and H.W. Schnaper. 1995. ECM degradation by cultured human mesangial cells is mediated by a PA/ plasmin/MMP-2 cascade. Kidney Int. 47:1039–1047.